报告题目:Some characteristics of epidemic dynamics in complex networks
报告人简介:专家介绍:王毅,中国地质大学(武汉)博士生导师,数学与应用数学系主任。主要从事生物数学与复杂网络理论研究,在Bulletin of Mathematical Biology、 Physica D 和 Journal of Theoretical Biology 等国内外学术期刊发表 SCI论文近 40 篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,含在研面上项目1项,主持中国博士后科学基金特别资助和面上一等资助各1项,合作出版专著3部。
报告摘要:In this talk, I first briefly recall some methods to modelling epidemic spread in complex networks. Then, I will consider a short epidemic on slowly growing networks, which may induce degree correlations. When comparing node-based SIR models incorporating degree correlations with edge-based SIR model on configuration networks, simulation results show that the edge-based model, even without considering degree correlations, agrees much better than the node-based models incorporating degree correlations, and that using only information about the network degree distribution is not enough to capture the basic properties such as the exponential growth phase of SIR dynamics on degree correlated networks. Hence, we formulate an edge- based SIR dynamic model on degree-correlated networks, which yields the same results that are equivalent to those based on the percolation theory. However, our model has the advantage that it can trace the dynamic spread of an epidemic. Furthermore, we discuss the relationship of the basic reproduction number on degree-correlated networks and their counterparts in details. Finally, we propose an edge-based model for cholera transmission on random networks between two communities, and apply the model to cholera data of two adjacent districts in Somalia.