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1. Li, M.-T., Jin, Z., Sun, G.-Q., and Zhang, J. (2017). Modeling direct and indirect disease transmission using multi-group model. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 446, 1292-1309.

2. Li, M.-T., Sun, G.-Q., Zhang, W.-Y., and Jin, Z. (2017). Model-Based Evaluation of Strategies to Control Brucellosis in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14.

3.靳祯,罗晓峰 (2017). 复杂网络传播动力学研究进展. 山西大学学报 (自然科学版) 40, 426-441.

4. Pei, X., Zhan, X.-X., and Jin, Z. (2017). Application of pair approximation method to modeling and analysis of a marriage network. Applied Mathematics and Computation 294, 280-293.

5. Li, J., Jin, Z., Sun, G.-Q., and Song, L.-P. (2017). Pattern dynamics of a delayed eco-epidemiological model with disease in the predator. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S 10, 1025-1042.

6. Li, S., and Jin, Z.(2017). Impacts of cluster on network topology structure and epidemic spreading. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 22, 3749-3770.

7. Lou, J., Hu, P., Qian, H.-Z., Ruan, Y., Jin, Z., Xing, H., Shao, Y., and Vermund, S.H.(2017). Expanded antiretroviral treatment, sexual networks, and condom use: Treatment as prevention unlikely to succeed without partner reduction among men who have sex with men in China. Plos One 12.

8. Luo, X., Chang, L., and Jin, Z. (2017). Demographics induce extinction of disease in an sis model based on conditional markov chain. Journal of Biological Systems 25, 145-171.

9. Jia, J.B., Jin, Z., Chang, L.L., and Fu, X.C. (2017). Structural calculations and propagation modeling of growing networks based on continuous degree. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 14, 1215-1232.

10. Sun, G.-Q., Xie, J.H., Huang, S.-H., Jin, Z., Li, M.-T., and Liu, L. (2017). Transmission dynamics of cholera: Mathematical modeling and control strategies. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 45, 235-244.

11. Xing, Y., Song, L., Sun, G.-Q., Jin, Z., and Zhang, J. (2017). Assessing reappearance factors of H7N9 avian influenza in China. Applied Mathematics and Computation 309, 192-204.

12. Liu, L., Ren, X., and Jin, Z. (2017). Threshold dynamical analysis on a class of age-structured tuberculosis model with immigration of population. Advances in Difference Equations 2017, 258.

13. Zhang, J., Jin, Z, Li, L., and Sun, X.-D. (2017). Cost assessment of control measure for brucellosis in Jilin province, China. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 104, 798-805.

14. Zhang, X., Zhang, C., and Jin, Z. (2017). Structure of growing complex networks coupling with the friendship and contact relations. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 104, 758-765.

15. Yang, J., Jin, Z., Wang, L., and Xu, F. (2017). A note on an age-of-infection SVIR model with nonlinear incidence. International Journal of Biomathematics 10.

16. Yang, J., Martcheva, M., and Jin, Z. (2017). Chaotic effects on disease spread in simple eco-epidemiological system. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 7, 1161-1176.

17. Yin, Z., Qi, H., Liu, L., and Jin, Z. (2017). The optimal regulation mode of Bcl-2 apoptotic switch revealed by bistability analysis. Biosystems 162, 44-52.

18. Gou, W., & Jin, Z. (2017). How heterogeneous susceptibility and recovery rates affect the spread of epidemics on networks. Infectious Disease Modelling, 2(3), 353-367.

19. Sun, G.-Q., Wang, C.-H., and Wu, Z.-Y. (2017). Pattern dynamics of a Gierer-Meinhardt model with spatial effects. Nonlinear Dynamics 88, 1385-1396.

20. Song, Y., Yang, R., and Sun, G. (2017). Pattern dynamics in a Gierer-Meinhardt model with a saturating term. Applied Mathematical Modelling 46, 476-491.

21. Yang, J., Chen, Y., and Kuniya, T. (2017). Threshold dynamics of an age-structured epidemic model with relapse and nonlinear incidence. Ima Journal of Applied Mathematics 82, 629-655.

22. Yang, J., and Chen, Y. (2017). Effect of infection age on an SIR epidemic model with demography on complex networks. Physica a-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 479, 527-541.

23. 牛帅, 帅建伟, 祁宏 (2017). Bcl-2 蛋白抑制钙信号的建模与全局动力学分析. 物理学报 66, 238701-238701.

24. Li, X., Zhong, J.-J., Gao, X.-J., Wu, Y.-N., Shuai, J.-W., and Qi, H. (2017). Biexponential distribution of open times of a toy channel model. Chinese Physics B 26, 128703.

25. 尹智勇, 杨俊元, 祁宏. (2017). Bcl-2 蛋白质家族调控细胞凋亡机制的研究进展. 信阳师范学院学报: 自然科学版 30, 340-344.

26. 张泽琼, 彭小龙. (2017). 个体具有异质易感性的动态网络SIS传染病模型. 云南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 26-31  

27. Chang L., Gong, W., and Yan, N. (2017). Weak boundary penalization for Dirichlet boundary control problems governed by elliptic equations. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 453, 529-557.

28. Liu, L., Luo, X., and Chang, L. (2017). Vaccination strategies of an SIR pair approximation model with demographics on complex networks. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 104, 282-290.

29. Song, H.T., Liu, S., and Jiang, W. (2017). Global dynamics of a multistage SIR model with distributed delays and nonlinear incidence rate. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 40, 2153-2164.  

30. 宋海涛, 刘胜强(2017). 具有一般复发现象的疾病模型的全局稳定性. 应用数学学报 40, 37-48.

31. Tian, D., and Song, H.T. (2017). Global dynamics of a Vector‐Borne disease model with two delays and nonlinear transmission rate. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.  

32. Lu, H.X., Song, H.T., and Zhu, H.P. (2017). A series of population models for Hyphantria cunea with delay and seasonality. Mathematical Biosciences 292, 57-66.