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[16]Ju-ping Zhang, Zhen Jin* (2012). Epidemic spreading on complex networks with community structure.Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219(6): 2829-2838. (SCI二区TOP)
[15]Yi Wang, Zhen Jin*, Zimo Yang, Zi-Ke Zhang, Tao Zhou, Gui-Quan Sun(2012). Global analysis of an SIS model with an infective vector on complex networks. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13(2): 543–557.
[14]An-Wei Li, Zhen Jin, Li Li, Jian-Zhong Wang (2012). emergence of oscillatory turing patterns induced by cross diffusion in a predator-prey system. International Journal of Modern, Physics B, 26:31.
[13]Gui-Quan Sun*, Juan Zhang, Li-Peng Song, Zhen Jin, Bai-Lian Li (2012). Pattern formation of a spatial predator–prey system. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(22): 11151-11162.
[12]Gui-Quan Sun*, Zhen Jin, Li Li, Mainul Haque, Bai-Lian Li (2012). Spatial patterns of a predator-prey model with cross diffusion. Nonlinear Dynamics 69(4): 1631-1638.
[11]Han-Wu Liu *, Zhen Jin, Yu-Ming Chen, Feng-Qin Zhang (2012). Population dynamics of plateau pika under lethal control and contraception control. Advances in Difference Equations, 1: 1-13.
[10]Juan Zhang, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin, Shi-Gui Ruan* (2012). Modeling seasonal rabies epidemics in China. Bulletin of mathematical biology,74(5): 1226-1251.
[9]Juan Zhang, Zhen Jin, Gui-Quan Sun, Xiang-Dong Sun, Shigui Ruan* (2012). Modeling seasonal rabies epidemics in China. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 74(5): 1226-1251.
[8]Li Li*, Zhen Jin (2012). Pattern dynamics of a spatial predator–prey model with noise. Nonlinear dynamics, 67(3): 1737-1744.
[7]Li-Peng Song, Xie Han, Dong-Ming Liu, Zhen Jin* (2012). Adaptive human behavior in a two-worm interaction model. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
[6]Qiang Hou, Zhen Jin, Shi-Gui Ruan* (2012). Dynamics of rabies epidemics and the impact of control efforts in Guangdong Province, China. Journal of theoretical biology, 300: 39-47.
[5]Rong-Hua Wang*, Zhen Jin (2012). A simple stochastic model with environmental transmission explains multi-year periodicity in outbreaks of avian flu. PloS one 7(2): e28873.
[4]Rong-Hua Wang, Zhen Jin* (2012). Quan-Xing Liu, The evolutionary dynamics of a spatial multi-strain host–pathogen system with cross-immunity. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 6(1): 741-753.
[3]Xiao-ChongZhang, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin* (2012). Spatial dynamics in a predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Physical Review E 85(2): 021924.
[2]Yihong Li, Jinxiao Pan, Zhen Jin* (2012). Dynamic modeling and analysis of the email virus propagation. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
[1]Zhanrong Hu, Zhen Jin* (2012). Stepanov-like pseudo almost periodic mild solutions to nonautonomous neutral partial evolution equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications ,75(1): 244-252.

[7]Juan Zhang, Zhen Jin, Gui-Quan Sun, Tao Zhou, Shigui Ruan* (2011). Analysis of rabies in China: Transmission Dynamics and Control. PLoS one, 6(7): e20891.
[6]Gui-Quan Sun*, Zhen Jin, Li-Peng Song, Amit Chakraborty, Bai-Lian Li (2011). Phase transition in spatial epidemics using cellular automata with noise. Ecological research 26(2): 333-340.
[5]Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin* (2011). The analysis of an epidemic model on networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217(17) :7053-7064.
[4]Li-Peng Song*, Zhen Jin, Gui-Quan Sun (2011). Reinfection induced disease in a spatial SIRI model. Journal of biological physics, 37(1): 133-140.
[3]Li-Peng Song, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin* (2011). Modeling and analyzing of botnet interactions. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390(2): 347-358.
[2]Li-Peng Song,Xie Han, Juan Zhang, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin* (2011). Influence of removable devices on computer worms. Dynamic analysis and control strategies, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 61(7): 1823-1829.
[1]Zhen Jin, Ju-Ping Zhang, Li-Peng Song, Huaiping Zhu* (2011). Modelling and analysis of influenza A (H1N1) on networks. BMC public health, 11(1): S9.

[16]Fen-Fen Zhang, Zhen Jin*, Gui-Quan Sun (2010). Bifurcation analysis of a delayed epidemic model. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216(3): 753-767.
[15]Gui-Quan Sun*, Zhen Jin, Quan-Xing Liu, Bai-Lian Li (2010). Rich dynamics in a predator–prey model with both noise and periodic force. BioSystems 100(1): 14-22.
[14]Gui-Quan Sun, Li Li, Zhen Jin*, Bai-Lian Li (2010). Effect of noise on the pattern formation in an epidemic model. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 26(5): 1168-1179.
[13]Gui-Quan Sun, Li Li, Zhen Jin*, Bai-Lian Li (2010). Pattern formation in a spatial plant-wrack model with tide effect on the wrack, Journal of biological physics 36(2): 161-174.
[12]Gui-Quan Sun, Quan-Xing Liu, Zhen Jin* (2010). Influence of infection rate and migration on extinction of disease in spatial epidemics. Journal of theoretical biology 264(1): 95-103.
[11]Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin*, Li Li, Bai-Lian Li (2010). Self-organized wave pattern in a predator-prey model. Nonlinear Dynamics 60(3): 265-275.
[10]Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin*, Qiulin Tan (2010). Measurement of self-organization in arid ecosystems. Journal of Biological Systems, 18(2): 495-508.
[9]Han Wei, Zhen Jin* (2010). Positive solutions of nonlinear m-point BVP for an increasing homeomorphism and positive homomorphism with sign changing nonlinearity on time scales. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 15(3): 690-699.
[8]Huiqin, Chen, Jin Zhen (2010). Monotonicity of Eventually Positive Solutions for a Second Order Nonlinear Difference Equation. 2010 International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks.
[7]Huiqin, Chen, Zhen Jin* (2010). Oscillation Criteria of Solution for a Second Order Difference Equation with Forced Term, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
[6]Jian-Jun Wang, Zhen Jin* (2010). Analysis of an SIR model with bilinear incidence rate.
[5]Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin* (2010). The analysis of epidemic network model with infectious force in latent and infected period. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
[4]Li Li*, Zhen Jin, Gui-Quan Sun (2010). Bifurcation and chaos in an epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rates. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216(4): 1226-1234.
[3]Li Li, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin*, Emergence of Power-Law in Spatial Epidemics Using Cellular Automation, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 21.08: 983-989, 2010.
[2]Quan-Xing Liu*, Rong-Hua Wang, Zhen Jin (2010). Spatial self-organization in a multi-strain host–pathogen system. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 05: 05017.
[1]Zhanrong Hu, Zhen Jin* (2010). Necessary and sufficient conditions for the regularity and stability of solutions for some partial neutral functional differential equations with infinite delay. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications,73(8): 2752-2765.

[20]Fen-Fen Zhang, Zhen Jin* (2009). Existence of travelling waves in nonlinear SI epidemic models. Journal of Biological Systems 17(4): 643-657.
[19]Gui-Quan Sun*,Guang Zhang, Zhen Jin (2009). Dynamic behavior of a discrete modified Ricker & Beverton–Holt model. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 57(8): 1400-1412.
[18]Gui-Quan Sun, Guang Zhang, Zhen Jin*, Li Li (2009). Predator cannibalism can give rise to regular spatial pattern in a predator–prey system. Nonlinear Dynamics 58(1,2): 75-84.
[17]Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin*, Li Li, Quan-Xing Liu (2009). The role of noise in a predator–prey model with Allee effect. Journal of biological physics 35(2): 185-196.
[16]Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin*, Quan-Xing Liu, Li Li (2009). Spatial pattern in an epidemic system with cross-diffusion of the susceptible. Journal of Biological Systems 17(1): 141-152.
[15]Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin*, Yi-Guo Zhao, Quan-Xing Liu, Li Li (2009). Spatial pattern in a predator-prey system with both self-and cross-diffusion. International Journal of Modern Physics C 20(1): 71-84.
[14]Han Wei*, Zhen Jin, Shugui Kang (2009). Existence of positive solutions of nonlinear m-point BVP for an increasing homeomorphism and positive homomorphism on time scales. Journal of computational and applied mathematics, 233(2): 188-196.
[13]Jinzhu Zhang, Yan Jurang, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin* (2009). Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a delayed competition system. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 70(2): 658-670.
[12] Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin* (2009). Discrete time SI and SIS epidemic models with vertical transmission. Journal of Biological Systems, 17(2): 201-212.
[11] Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin*, Yakui Xue (2009). Stability properties of an SIR epidemic model with standard incidence and impulsive effect.
[10] Juping Zhang, Zhen Jin*, Yakui Xue, Youwen Li (2009). The dynamics of the pulse birth in an SIR epidemic model with standard incidence. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
[9] Li Li, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin* (2009). Traveling pattern induced by migration in an epidemic model. Journal of Biological Systems,17(2):319-328.
[8] Maoxing Liu, Zhen Jin, Mainul Haque* (2009). An impulsive predator–prey model with communicable disease in the prey species only. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 10(5): 3098-311.
[7]Pan-Ping Liu, Zhen Jin* (2009). Pattern formation of a predator–prey model. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 3(3):177-183.
[6] Peng Zhou*, Jing-Yu Wang, Xiao-Dong Li, Zhen Jin (2009). Emergence of traveling pattern in a prenator-prey system. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 20(11): 1861-1870.
[5] Quan-Xing Liu*, Rong-Hua Wang, Zhen Jin (2009). Persistence, extinction and spatio-temporal synchronization of SIRS spatial models. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 07: P07007.
[4] Quan-Xing Liu, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin* (2009). Emergence of spatiotemporal chaos arising from far-field breakup of spiral waves in the plankton ecological systems. Chinese Physics B, 18(2): 506.
[3] Zhanrong Hu*, Zhen Jin (2009). Stepanov-like pseudo-almost periodic mild solutions to perturbed nonautonomous evolution equations with infinite delay, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory. Methods & Applications, 71(11): 5381-5391.
[2] Zhanrong Hu, Zhen Jin* (2009). Stepanov-like pseudo almost automorphic mild solutions to nonautonomous evolution equations. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 71(5): 2349-2360.
[1]Rong-Hua Wang, Quan-Xing Liu, Gui-Quan Sun, Zhen Jin*, Johan van de Koppel(2009). Nonlinear dynamic and pattern bifurcations in a model for spatial patterns in Young Mussel Beds, J. Royal Society Interface, 6(37): 705-718.
