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[1] Jing Li , Jin Zhen*, Yuan Yuan. Effect of adaptive rewiring delay in an SIS network epidemic

model. Mathematical biosciences and engineering, 2019, 16(6): 8092–8108. (工程技术四区)

[2] Musa SS, Zhao Shi, Chan Heishen, Jin Zhen*, He Daihai*. A mathematical model to study the 2014-2015 large-scale dengae epidemics in kaohsiang and Toing cities in Taiwan china. Mathematical biosciences and engineering. 2019,16:3841-3863. (工程技术四区)

[3] Cao XiaoChun, Jin Zhen*. N-intertwined sis epidemic model with markovian switching. Stochastics Dynamics, 2019. (数学四区)

[4] Feng Shanshan*, Jin Zhen*. Infectious diseases spreading on a metapopulation network coupled with its second-neighbor network. Applied Mathmatics and Computation, 2019, 361: 87–97 (数学二区) (top)

[5] Jia Junbo, Jin Zhen, Fu Xinchu*. Epidemic spread in directed interconnected networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 75: 1–13(物理二区) (top)

[6] Li Jinxian*, Hu Yanping, Jin Zhen. Rumor spreading of an sihr model in heterogeneous networks based on probability generating function. Complexity, 2019. (工程技术二区) (top)

[7] Ning Bai, Zhang juan, Li Li, Jin Zhen*. Evaluating the effect of virus mutation on the transmission of avian influenza H7N9 virus in China based on dynamical model. Mathematical biosciences and engineering. 2019, 3393-3410. (工程技术四区)

[8] Liu Zhuanzhuan, Shen Zhongwei, Wang Hao*, Jin Zhen. Analysis of a local diffusive sir model with seasonality and nonlocal incidence of infection. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2019,79(6):2218-2241. (数学二区)

[9] Lv Jianping, Jin Zhen*. Multistrain edge-based compartmental model on networks. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2019, 42: 1529–1552. (数学三区)

[10] Pei Xin, Jin Zhen*, Zhang Wenyi, Yong Wang. Detection of infection sources for avian influenza a(H7N9) in live poultry transport network during the fifth wave in china. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 155759–155778. (工程技术二区)

[11] Wang N-N, Jin Zhen*, Peng Xiaolong. Community detection with self-adapting switching based on affinity. Complexity, 2019. (工程技术二区) (top)

[12] Wang N-N, Jin Zhen*, Wang Yajing, Di Zengru. Epidemics spreading in periodic double layer networks with dwell time. Physica A, 2019. (物理三区)

[13] Yan Qinling, Tang Sanyi*, Jin Zhen, Yanni Xiao. Identifying risk factors of a(h7n9) outbreak by wavelet analysis and generalized estimating equation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019. (环境科学与生态学三区)

[14] Zhang Xiaoguang, Shan Chunhua, Jin Zhen*, Zhu Huaiping. Complex dynamics of epidemic models on adaptive networks. Journal of Differential Equations, 2019, 266: 803–832. (数学二区) (top)

[15] Xu Rui*, Bai Ning and Tian Xiaohong, Global dynamics of a mathematical model of tuberculosis with age-dependent latency and active infection, Journal of Biological Systems, 27(4) (2019) . (生物四区)

[16] Xu Rui*, Yang Junyuan, Tian Xiaohong, Lin Jiazhe. Global dynamics of a tuberculosis model with fast and slow progression and age-dependent latency and infection. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2019, 13: 675-705. (生物四区)

[17] Li Liangchen, Xu Rui*, Lin Jiazhe. Mean-square stability in lagrange sense for stochastic memristive neural networks with leakage delay. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2019, 17: 2145-2158. (工程技术三区)

[18] Li Yuji, Xu Rui*, Lin Jiazhe. Global dynamics for a class of infection-age model with nonlinear incidence. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 2019, 24: 47–72. (数学三区)

[19] Lin Jiazhe, Xu Rui*, Li Liangchen. Effect of leakage delay on hopf bifurcation in a fractional bam neural network. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019. (数学二区)

[20] Lin Jiazhe, Xu Rui*, Tian Xiaohong. Pattern formation in reaction-diffusion neural networks with leakage delay. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 2019, 9: 2224-2244. (数学三区)

[21] Lin Jiazhe, Xu Rui*, Tian Xiaohong. Spatiotemporal dynamics in reaction–diffusion neural networks near a turing–hopf bifurcation point. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019. (数学二区)

[22] Lin Jiazhe, Xu Rui*, Tian Xiaohong. Transmission dynamics of cholera with hyperinfectious and hypoinfectious vibrios: Mathematical modelling and control strategies. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019,16(5):4339-4358. (工程技术四区)

[23] Lin Jiazhe, Xu Rui*, Tian Xiaohong. Global dynamics of an age-structured cholera model with multiple transmissions, saturation incidence and imperfect vaccination. Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2019, 13: 69-102. (生物四区)

[24] Lin Jiazhe, Xu Rui*, Tian Xiaohong., Threshold dynamics of an HIV-1 model with both viral and cellular infections, cell-mediated and humoral immune responses, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2019, 16(1): 292-319. (工程技术四区)

[25] Li Li, Jie Zhang, Sun Guiquan*. Inspiration of the biological behavior of physarum polycephalum on mathematical modeling: Comment on "does being multi-headed make you better at solving problems? A survey of physarum-based models and computations" by c. Gao et al. Physics of life reviews, 2019, 29: 38–40 (生物一区) (top)

[26] Guo Zunguang, Li Pengsong *, Sun Guiquan*, Li Can, Jin Zhen. Pattern dynamics of an sis epidemic model with nonlocal delay. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2019. (数学二区)

[27] Rashid M, Bera S, Banerjee M, Sun Guiquan *, Feedforward control of plant nitrate transporter nrt1.1 biphasic adaptive activity. Biophysical Journal, 2019. (生物二区) (top)

[28] Tiwari V, Tripathi JP, Abbas S, Sun Guiquan*, Jin Zhen. Qualitative analysis of a diffusive crowley–martin predator–prey model: The role of nonlinear predator harvesting. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 98: 1169–1189. (工程技术二区) (top)

[29] Tian Xiaohong, Xu Rui*, Lin Jiazhe. Mathematical analysis of a cholera infection model with vaccination strategy. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 361: 517-535. (数学二区) (top)

[30] Tian Xiaohong, Xu Rui*, Lin Jiazhe. Mathematical analysis of an age-structured hiv-1 infection model with ctl immune response. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,2019,16:7850-7882. (工程技术四区)

[31] Hu Hongping*, Li Yangyang, Bai Yanping, Liu Maoxing, Zhang Juping. The improved antlion optimizer and artificial neural network for chinese influenza prediction. Complexity, 2019. (工程技术二区) (top)

[32] Zhang Juping*, Li D, Jing W, Jin Zhen. The competing two-strain sis pairwise approximation model with infection age. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 100618–100625. (工程技术二区)

[33] Zhang Juping, Li D, Jing W, Jin Zhen*, Transmission dynamics of a two-strain pairwise model with infection age. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019, 71: 656-672. (数学一区) (top)

[34] Zhang Juping*, Li Y, Jin Zhen. Dynamics analysis of an avian influenza a (h7n9) epidemic model with vaccination and seasonality. Complexity, 2019. (工程技术二区) (top)

[35] Srivastav AK, Yang Junyuan, Luo X, Mini Ghosh*. Spread of zika virus disease on complex network—a mathematical study. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2019, 157: 15-38. (数学二区)

[36] Wang Xiaoyan, Chen Y, Yang Junyuan*. Spatial and temporal dynamics of a viral infection model with two nonlocal effects. Complexity, 2019. (工程技术二区) (top)

[37] Wang Xiaoyan, Yang Junyuan*, Luo Xiaofeng. Asymptotical profiles of a viral infection model with multi-target cells and spatial diffusion. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2019, 77: 389-406. (工程技术三区)

[38] Yang Junyuan*. New insight into a sexually transmitted model on heterogeneous networks: A concise approach. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 53534-53541. (工程技术二区)

[39] Yang Junyuan*, Jin Zhen, Xu Fei. Threshold dynamics of an age-space structured sir model on heterogeneous environment. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2019, 96: 69–74. (数学一区) (top)

[40] Yang Junyuan*, Kuniya T, Luo X. Competitive exclusion in a multi-strain sis epidemic model on complex networks. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2019, 6: 1-30. (数学三区)

[41] Yang Junyuan*, Modnak C, Wang J. Dynamical analysis and optimal control simulation for an age-structured cholera transmission model. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2019, 356: 8438-8467. (工程技术二区) (top)

[42] Yang Junyuan*, Wang Xiaoyan. Dynamics and asymptotical profiles of an age-structured viral infection model with spatial diffusion. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2019, 360: 236-254. (数学二区) (top)

[43] Yang Junyuan*, Xu Fei. The computational approach for the basic reproduction number of epidemic models on complex networks. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 26474-26479. (工程技术二区)

[44] Yang Junyuan, Xu Rui*, Li Jiaxu. Threshold dynamics of an age–space structured brucellosis disease model with neumann boundary condition. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2019, 50: 192-217. (数学二区)

[45] Yang Junyuan*, Xu Rui, Luo Xiaofeng. Dynamical analysis of an age-structured multi-group DIVS epidemic model. Mathematical biosciences and engineering, 2019, 16: 636-666. (工程技术四区)

[46] Zhang Juan, Jin Zhen, Yuan Yuan*. Assessing the spread of foot and mouth disease in mainland china by dynamical switching model. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2019, 460: 209–219. (生物四区)

[47] Peng Xiaolong*, Zhang Zeqiong, Yang Junyun, Jin Zhen. An sis epidemic model with vaccination in a dynamical contact network of mobile individuals with heterogeneous spatial constraints. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2019, 73: 52–73. (物理二区) (top)

[48] Liu Lili, Liu Xianning *. Mathematical analysis for an age-structured heroin epidemic model. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2019, 1-25. (数学三区)

[49] Liu Lili, Ren Xinzhi, Liu Xianning *, A host-parasite system with multiple parasite strains and superinfection revisited: the global dynamics, Acta Biotheoretica, 2019. (生物四区)

[50] Chang Lili*, Liu Chen, Sun Guiquan, Jin Zhen. Delay-induced patterns in a predator–prey model on complex networks with diffusion. New Journal of Physics, 2019. (物理二区)

[51] Duan M, Chang Lili *, Jin Zhen. Turing patterns of an si epidemic model with cross-diffusion on complex networks. Physica A, 2019. (物理三区)

[52] 张菊平*,郭昊明,荆文君,靳祯.基于真实信息传播者的谣言传播模型的动力学分析.物理学报,2019,150501-150501 (物理四区)

[53] 张舒娟,靳祯*. P2P网络上被动型蠕虫传播建模和模拟分析.《计算机工程与设计》.2019,10:2778-2784.

[54] 靳俊郁磊靳祯*. 不同强度有氧运动下糖尿病患者血糖代谢模型仿真研究[J]. 生物医学工程学杂志,2019,36(2):274-280.

[55] 朱宏淼,张生太,靳祯,闫辛*. 微信群与线下交流耦合网络知识传播模型.系统工程理论与实践,2019, 1796-1806.

[56] 张菊平*,李丹.吸血蝙蝠与牛群间狂犬病毒的传播研究. 重庆理工大学学报 (自然科学版), 2019, 175-179.

[57] 庞兴慧,祁宏*.基于钙响应钟型曲线构建的钙振荡模型. 厦门大学学报 (自然科学版), 2019, 574-581.

[58] 许国平,杨鹏,祁宏*. Bcl-2 蛋白家族调节凋亡和自噬信号通路的研究进展. 中国细胞生物学学报, 2019,41(6):1127-1134.

[59] 白宁,高瑞,张娟*.基于动力学评估病毒变异对广东省 h7n9 禽流感的影响. 重庆理工大学学报 (自然科学), 2019.

[60] 高瑞,张娟*.中国h5n1禽流感病毒传播的动力学研究. 重庆理工大学学报 (自然科学), 2019, 33: 209-215.

[61] 张译丹,彭小龙*.重叠网络上疾病与意识传播模型:非同步的影响. 云南师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 2019.

[62] 曹玲玲,宋海涛*.病毒在鸟和鸟之间传播对西尼罗河热传播的影响. 云南师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 2019, 33-39.