杨俊元, 博士,教授、博士生导师。2011年7月毕业于北京信息与控制研究所系统工程专业,2016年6月进入山西大学复杂系统研究所工作。现主持教育部人文社科规划基金1项,主持完成国家自然科学基金项目3项,国家留学基金2项,省部级项目7项,发表文章90余篇,其中SCI论文80篇。出版专著3部。
研究方向: 传染病动力学、博弈论、最优控制与复杂网络。
研究内容: 结构性传染病建模与研究、进化博弈策略选择、非马尔可夫网络传染病建模与数学方法、系统的参数可辨识性。
Plos One编委, 河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)青年编委
高等数学 (授课对象:本科生)。
弗雷德·布劳尔,卡洛斯·卡斯蒂略·查弗,冯芷兰,流行病学中的数学模型,科学出版社,2023. (授课对象:研究生)
M. Martcheva, An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology (Texts in Applied Matheamtics) , Springer, 2015. (授课对象:研究生).
RS Cantrell, C Cosner, Spatial Ecology Via Reaction-Diffusion Equations, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2003.(授课对象:研究生).
M Iannelli, F Milner, The Basic Approach to Age-Structured Population Dynamics, Springer, 2017. (授课对象:研究生).
ON Bjornstad, Epidemics, Models and Data using R, Springer, 2018, (授课对象:研究生).
F Brauer, C Castillo-Chavez, ZL Feng, Mathematical Models in Epidemiology(Texts in Applied Mathematics), Springer, 2019. (授课对象:研究生).
XQ Zhao, Dynamical Systems in Population Biology(CMS Books in Mathematics), Springer, 2017. (授课对象:研究生).
P Yan, G Chowell, Quantitative Methods for Investigating Infectious Disease Outbreaks(Text in Applied Mathematics), Springer, 2019. (授课对象:研究生).
A Ducrot, Q Griette, ZH Liu, P Magal, Differential Equations and Populatio Dynamics I, Lecture Notes on Mathematical Modelling in the Life Sciences, Springer, 2022. (授课对象:博士研究生).
主持项目 :
教育部人文社科规划基金项目: 人类行为对新冠肺炎传播的影响, 项目批准号:22YJAZH129,执行年限:2022.1-2024.12,经费10万元;
山西省研究生教育教学改革优秀教材建设项目:多菌株传染病建模理论与方法,项目批准号:2022YJJG036, 执行年限:2022.1-2023.12,经费2万元;
国家自然科学基金面上项目:HIV与其他传染病耦合系统建模与研究,项目批准号:12271143,执行年限:2023.1-2026.12, 经费45万元.
[1] Li Xue-zhi, Yang Junyuan, Martcheva Maia. Age structured epidemic modelling, Springer, Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics, Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland, 2020. [Link]
[2] 杨俊元,李学志,王晓燕,狄根虎,多菌株传染病建模理论与方法,科学出版社,2024.[link]
[3] 徐瑞,田晓红,杨俊元,白宁,霍乱传播动力学的建模与研究,科学出版社,2023.[link]
《Age Structured Epidemic Modelling》 获河南省第五届自然科学技术学术奖-河南省自然科学优秀学术一等奖
段欣仪,项目名称:网络传染病模型后向分支分析方法,项目批准号:2021KY095, 经费0.25万;[link]
发表论文 (Publications, Corresponding author*, First authour#)
[1] Shuanglin Jing, Ling Xue*, Xuezhi Li, Fanqin Zeng, Junyuan Yang*, Age-structured modeling of COVID-19 dynamics: the role of treatment and vaccination in controlling the pandemic, J. Math.Biol., 2025, 90: 12.[link]
[2] Junyuan Yang#*, Yiqian Bai, Zhen Jin, Nash equilibrium analysis of a game-theoretical cholera model, J. Stat. Mech: Theory E., 2025, 013501.[link]
[3] Miao Zhou, Junyuan Yang*, Jiaxu Li, Guiquan Sun*, The role of medical supply shortages on an age-structured epidemic model, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2025, 152(2): e70019. [link]
[4] 武子艺,杨俊元*,具有复发和年龄结构的肺结核病传播模型的参数辨识性研究, 数学物理学报, 2024,45A: 269-278.[link]
[1] Junyuan Yang#*, Peiqi Jia, Jin Wang, Zhen Jin, Rich dyanmics of a bidirectionally linked immuno-epidemiological model for cholera, J. Math. Biol., 2023, 87:71.[Link]
[2] 杨俊元#*, 张晨琳,杨丽,年龄结构流感模型综合策略研究,数学物理学报,2024, 44A(3): 804-814.[link]
[3] Junyuan Yang#, Miao Zhou, Zhaosheng Feng*, Evaluation of age structured vaccination strategies for curbing the disease spread, J. Math. Biol., 2024, 88:63. [link]
[4] Junyuan Yang#*, Li Yang, Ling Xue, Optimal control of a multi-scale immuno-inluenza A transmission model with viral load-depdent infection, Appl. Math. Model., 2024, 132: 1-21. [link]
[5] Appiah Raymond Fosu, Zhen Jin, Junyuan Yang, Joshuah Kiddy K Asamoah, Cost-benefit analysis of COVID-19 vaccination model incorporating different infectivity reductions, Front. Soc. Phys., 2024, 12, [link]
[6] Appiah Raymond Fosu, Zhen Jin, Junyuan Yang, Joshuah Kiddy K Asamoah, Mathematical modeling of two strains Tuberculosis and Covid-19 vaccination model: a co-infection study with cost-effectiveness analysis, Front. Appl. Math. Stat., 2024, 10, [link]
[7] 武子艺,杨俊元*,具有复发和年龄结构的肺结核病传播模型的参数辨识性研究, 数学物理学报, 2024, Accept.
[8] Junyuan Yang#*, Sijin Wu, Xuezhi Li, Xiaoyan Wang, Parameter identifiability of a within-host SARS-Cov-2 epidemic model, Infect. Dis. Model., 2024, 9(3): 975-994.[link].
[9] Junyuan Yang#*, Some novel results of a two-community SIR model with asymmetric structure, Appl. Math. Letters, 2024, 157: 109168 [link]
[10] Appiah Raymond Fosu, Zhen Jin, Junyuan Yang, Joshuah Kiddy K Asamoah, Optimal control and cost-effectiveness analysis for a Tuberculosis vaccination model with two latent classes, Modelling Earth Systems and Environment, 2024, [link].
[11] Junyuan Yang#*, Xinyi Duan, Guiquan Sun, An immuno-epidemiological model with non-exponetially distributed disease stage on complex networks, J. Theor. Biol., 2024, 595: 111964. [link]
[1] Guoqiang Wang, Junyuan Yang*, Xuezhi Li, An age-space structured cholera model linking within- and between-host dynamics with Neumann boundary condition, Z. Angew. Math. Phys., 2023, 74:14. [Link]
[2] Kelu Li, Junyuan Yang*, Xuezhi Li, Competitive and exclusion and oscillation phenomena of an eco-epidemiological model: An invasive approach, Inter. J. Biomath., 2023, 2250103, [Link]
[3] Junyuan Yang#*, Xiaoyan Wang, Kelu Li, Temporal-spatial analysis of a foot-and-mouth disease model with spatial diffusion and vaccination, Front. Vet. Sci.,2022, 9:952382. [Link]
[4] Hui Cao, Mengmeng Han, Junyuan Yang*, Lili Liu, Haiyan Li, Hopf bifurcation of an SEIRS model with age structure and time delay, J. Biol. Sys., 2023,31(1),1-25. [Link]
[5] Junyuan Yang#*, Xinyi Duan, Xuezhi Li, Dynamical analysis of an immuno-epidemiological coupled system on complex networks, Commun. Nonlinear. Sci. Numer. Simulat., 2023, 119, 107116. [Link]
[6] Junyuan Yang#*, Li Yang, Zhen Jin, Optimal strategies of the age-specific vaccination and antiviral treatment against influenza, Chaos, Soliton and Fractals, 2023, 168, 113199. [Link]
[7] Junyuan Yang#*, Geijia Gong, Zhen Jin, Existence of the backward bifurcation of a non-markovian SIS-network model with saturation treatment function, Nonlinear Analysis: RWA, 2023, 73: 103882. [Link]
[8] Kelu Li, Junyuan Yang*, Xuezhi Li, Analysis of an environmental epidemic model based on voluntary vaccination policy, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2023,26(5):595-611. [Link]
[9] Xiaoyan Wang, Junyuan Yang*, Yan Han, Threthold dynamics of a chronological age and infection age structured cholera model with neumann boundary condition, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2023, 74: 170. [Link]
[10] Junyuan Yang#, Meijia Gong, Gui-Quan Sun, Asymptotical profiles of an age-structured foot-and-mouth disease with nonlocal diffusion on aspatially heterogeneous environment, Journal of Differential Equations, 2023, 377: 71-112.[link]
[1] Junyuan Yang*#, Xinyi Duan, Xuezhi Li, Complex patterns of an SIR model with a saturation treatment on complex networks: An edge-compartmental approach, Appl. Math. Letter, 2022, 123: 107573.[Link]
[2] Junyuan Yang*#, Guoqiang Wang, Miao Zhou, Xiaoyan Wang, Interplays of a waterborne disease model linking within- and between- host dynamics with waning vaccine-induced immunity, Inter. J. Biomath., 2021, 15(3): 225003. [Link]
[3] Xiaoyan Wang, Junyuan Yang*, Xiaofeng Luo, Competitive exclusion and coexistence phenomena of a two-strain SIS model on complex networks from global perspectives, J. Appl. Math. Comput., 2022, 68: 4415-4433. [Link]
[4] Peiqi Jia, Junyuan Yang*, Xuezhi Li, Optimal control and cost-effective analysis of an age-structured emerging infectious disease model, Infectious Disease Modelling, 2022, 7(1): 149-169. [Link]
[5] Junyuan Yang*, Miao Zhou, Xuezhi Li, Backward bifurcation of an age-structured epidemic model with partial immunity: The Lyapunov–Schmidt approach, Appl. Math. Letters, 2022, 133,108292.[Link]
[6] Kelu Li, Junyuan Yang*, Xuezhi Li. Effects of co-infection on vaccination behavior and disease propagation. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(10): 10022-10036.[Link]
[1] Junyuan Yang*#, Rui Xu, Hongquan Sun, Dynamics of a seasonal brucellosis disease model with nonlocal transmission and spatial diffusion, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 2021, 94: 105551. [Link]
[2] Xiaoyan Wang, Junyuan Yang*, Dynamics of a nonlocal dispersal foot-and-mouth disease model in a spatially heterogeneous environment, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2021, 41(B)(2):552-572.[Link]
[3] 王国强,张烁,杨俊元*,许小可*,耦合不同年龄层接触模式的新冠肺炎传播模型研究, 物理学报, 2021, 70(1), DOI: 10.7498/aps.70. 2020 1371. [Link]
[4] Xiaoyan Wang, Hongquan Sun, Junyuan Yang*, Temporal-spatial analysis of an age-space structured foot-and-mouth disease model with Dirichlet boundary condition, Chaos, 2021, 31, 053120. [Link]
[5] Xiaoyan Wang, Junyuan Yang*, A bistable phenomena induced by a mean-field SIS epidemic models on complex networks: A geometric approach, Front. Phys. 2021, 9: 681268, doi:10.3389/fphy.2021.681268.[Link]
[1] Xiaoyan Wang, Junyuan Yang*, Dynamical analysis of a mean-field vector-borne diseases model on complex networks: An edge based compartmental approach, Chaos, 2020, 013103. [Link]
[2] Xiaofeng Luo, Junyuan Yang, Zhen Jin, Jia Li, An edge-based model for non-Markovian sexually transmitted infections in coupled network, Inter. J. Biomath., 2020, 13(02), 2050014. [Link]
[3] Junyuan Yang*#, Guoqiang Wang, Shuo Zhang, Impact of household quarantine on SARS-Cov-2 infection in mainland China: A mean-field approach, Math. Biosci. Engin., 2020, 17(5): 4500-4512. [Link]
[4] Junyuan Yang*#,Guoqiang Wang, Shuo Zhang, Fei Xu, Xuezhi Li, Analysis of the age-structured epidemiological characteristics of SARSCov-2 transmission in mainland of China: An aggregated approach, Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 2020, 15: 39. [Link]
[1] Yang Junyuan*#, Jin Zhen, Threshold dynamics of an age-space structured SIR model on heterogeneous environment. Appl. Math. Letters, 2019, 96: 69-74. [Link]
[2] Yang Junyuan*#, Wang Xiaoyan. Dynamics and asymptotical profiles of an age-structured viral infection model with spatial diffusion. Appl. Math. Comput., 2019, 360: 236-254. [Link]
[3] Yang Junyuan*#, Modnak Chairt, Wang Jin,. Dynamical analysis and optimal control for an age-structured cholera transmission model. J. Franklin Inst., 2019,356: 8438-8467. [Link]
[4] Yang Junyuan*, Xu Rui, Li Jiaxu. Threshold dynamics of an age-space structured brucellosis disease model with Neumann boundary condition. Nonlinear Anal:RWA, 2019, 50:192-217. [Link]
[5] Yang Junyuan*#, Xu Fei. The computational approach for the basic reproduction number of epidemic models on complex networks, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 26474-26479. [Link]
[6] Yang Junyuan*#. New insight into a sexually transmitted model on heterogeneous networks: a concise approach. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 53534-53541. [Link]
[7] Yang Junyuan*#, Kuniya Toshikazu, Luo Xiaofeng, Competitive exclusion in a multi-strain SIS epidemic model on complex networks, Electronic J. Differ. Equat., 2019, 6: 1-30.[Link]
[8] Yang Junyuan*, Xu Rui, Luo Xiaofeng, Dynamical analysis of an age-structured multi-group SIVS epidemic model, Math. Biosci. Engin., 2019, 16(2):636-666.[Link]
[9] Wang Xiaoyan, Chen Yuming, Yang Junyuan*. Spatial and temporal dynamics of a viral infection model with two nonlocal effects. Complexity, 2019. [Link]
[10] Wang Xiaoyan, Yang Junyuan*, Luo Xiaofeng, Asymptotical profiles of a viral infection model with multi-target cells and spatial diffusion, Comput. Math. Appl. 2019, 77:389-406. [Link]
[11] Akhil Kumar Srivastav, Yang Junyuan, Luo Xiaofeng Ghosh Mini. Spread of Zika virus disease on complex networks-A mathematical study. Math. Comput. Simulat., 2019, 157: 15-38. [Link]
[12] Xu Rui, Yang Junyuan, Tian Xiaohong, Lin Jiaze, Global dynamics of a tuberculosis model with fast and slow progression and age-dependent lantency and infection, J.Biol.Dynam., 2019, 13: 675-705. [Link]
[13] Peng Xiaolong, Zhang Zeqiong, Yang Junyuan, Jin Zhen, An SIS epidemic model with vaccination in a dynamical contact netowrk of mobile individuals with heterogeneous spatial constraints. Communication in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulat., 2019, 73: 52-73. [Link]
[1] Junyuan Yang*#, Fei Xu, Global stability of two SIS mean-field epidemic models on complex networks: Lyapunov approach, Journal of Franklin Institute, 355(2018),6763-6779.[Link]
[2] Toshikazu Kuniya, Hisashi Inaba, Junyuan Yang, Global behavior of SIS epidemic models with age structure and spatial heterogeneity, Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math. 35(2018), 669–706.[Link]
[3] Xiaoyan Wang, Junyuan Yang, Fei Xu, Analysis and control of an age-structured HIV-1 epidemic model with different transmission mechanisms, Advances in Difference Equations (2018) 2018:36 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-017-1455-0[Link]
[4] Junyuan Yang*, Xiaoyan Wang, Threshold dynamics of an SIR model with nonlinear incidence rate and age-dependent suscepbility, Complexity, 2018, Article ID 9613807, https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/9613807 [Link]
[5] Junyuan Yang*, Yuming Chen, Theoretical and numerical results for an age-structured SIVS model with a general nonlinear incidence rate, J.Biol.Dynam., 2018, 12(1): 789-816. [Link]
[1] Junyuan Yang*#, Yuming Chen, Toshikazu Kuniya, Threshold dynamics of an age-structured epidemic model with relapse and nonlinear incidence, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 82(2017), 629–655. [Link]
[2] Junyuan Yang*#,Yuming Chen, Effect of infection age on an SIR epidemic model with demography on complex networks, Physica A, 479 (2017) 527–541. [Link]
[1] Junyuan Yang*#, Yuming Chen, Fei Xu, Effect of infection age on an SIS epidemic model on complex networks, J.Math.Biol. 73(2016),1227-1249. [Link]
[2] Yuming Chen, Saofeng Zou, Junyuan Yang, Global analysis of an SIR epidemic model with infection age and saturated incidence, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 30(2016), 16-31. [Link]
[3] Junyuan Yang*#, Chun-Hsien Li, Dynamics of a competing two-strain SIS epidemic model on complex networks with a saturating incidence rate, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49 (2016) 215601 (20pp). [Link]
[4] Junyuan Yang*#, Maia Martcheva, Yuming Chen, Imitation dynamics of vaccine decision-making behaviours based on the game theory, J.Biol. Dynamics. 10(1) (2016), 31-58. [Link]
[1] Junyuan Yang*#, Maia Martcheva, Lin Wang, Global threshold dynamics of an SIVS model with waning vaccine-induced immunity and nonlinear incidence, Math. Biosci. 268(2015), 1-8. [Link]
[1] Junyuan Yang*#, Xuezhi Li, Maia Martcheva, Global stability of a DS–DI epidemic model with age of infection, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 385(2012), 655–671. [Link]