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报告人:范桂红 教授 Columbus State University




报告标题一:Persistence and global stability in population dynamics of ticks

报告摘要: Lyme diseases are a typical infectious disease which can cause severe illness in humans or animals. As a vector, ticks play a critical rule in the transmission and spread of the diseases. To well understand the transmission dynamics of the diseases, it is necessary to investigate the population dynamics of ticks. We formulate a system of delay differential equations for tick population. We define the basic reproduction number R  of tick population. The tick population is uniformly persistent if R  > 1. In addition if 1 < R  < e2, then the unique positive equilibrium point (L ,N ,A ) is globally asymptotically stable. If R  > e2, the positive equilibrium could lose stability and the system shows oscillatory behaviors.

This is a joint work with Prof. Horst Thieme (Arizona State University) and Prof. Huaiping Zhu (York University).


报告标题Oscillation and Driving Mechanism in Vector-borne Disease models with Time Delay

报告摘要:Vector-borne diseases cause severe illness in humans or animals. Vector population plays a critical rule in the transmission and spread of the disease. We first use a differential equation with delay to study the population dynamics of vector population under the impact of temperature. Then we extend to formulate a model of delay differential equations for the transmission of vector-borne diseases between vectors and hosts. Analytical analysis show that vectors alone can force the system to oscillate and may be responsible for the repeated outbreaks of the disease. The interaction between vector and amplification host is unlikely responsible for oscillatory behaviors of the system. We will then show some applications of malaria and West Nile virus.

This is a joint work with Prof. Huaiping Zhu (York University).

范桂红教授简介:主要研究领域为生物数学、媒介传染病模型,及时滞微分方程的稳定性和分支分析。2009年于卖克马斯特(McMaster University)获得应用数学专业硕士和博士学位,分别于2009-2013年在加拿大约克大学和美国亚立桑拿大学做博士后。于2013开始在哥伦布州立大学开始工作。在微分方程的现已发表学术论文20余篇。

