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报告题目:内分泌系统简介及数学模型(Brief Introduction to Modeling Endocrine System

报告人:李嘉旭 教授 (美国路易斯维尔大学)

报告时间:2018612日、14 上午900 1200



      内分泌系统是由荷尔蒙组成的化学信使系统, 是一种有机体的腺体, 它将这些荷尔蒙直接带入循环系统, 向远方的靶器官传递, 以及荷尔蒙驱动下的稳态反馈回路。

  我们将简要介绍内分泌系统的一些基本知识, 然后重点以数学建模方法研究胰腺荷尔蒙对智复杂的葡萄糖代谢的影响。糖尿病是一种由于胰腺缺乏或相对缺乏胰岛素分泌而导致血糖无法有效代谢的疾病。我们将讨论静脉葡萄糖耐受试验 (IVGTT) 模型和正常群体的血糖和胰岛素相互调节的微分方程模型。如果时间允许, 我们将讨论口服葡萄糖耐受试验 (OGTT), 膳食葡萄糖耐受试验 (MGTT) 的模型。此外, 如果允许时间, 将讨论一些有趣的值得研究的问题。

      The endocrine system is a chemical messenger system consisting of hormones, the group of glands of an organism that carry those hormones directly into the circulatory system to be carried towards distant target organs, and the feedback loops of homeostasis that the hormones drive.

      We will briefly introduce some basics in the endocrine system and then focus on a few mathematical modeling approach to study the sophistic glucose metabolization by pancreatic hormones. Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the blood sugar cannot be efficiently metabolized due to the lack or relatively lack of insulin secretion from pancreas. We will discuss the intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) and models for normal subjects. If time is allowed, we will talk about the models for oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), meal glucose tolerance test (MGTT). In addition, if time is allowed, some interesting topics shall be discussed.

